Recipe | Spiced Scones & Plum Jam Making

Recipe | Spiced Scones & Plum Jam Making

It's a cold winters night, the candles are lit around our home but something is missing. Ah ha! Baked goods and homemade jam. So to the larder I go, together I throw some flour, butter, spices and sugar together then fold in some milk and lemon and BOOM! Scone dough... a rolling pin and a glass used as a cutter later and I have this!


My oven is heated to 200c and I pop these bad boys in for 10-12 mins and take them out and pop them on a rack to cool, and taste test one, you know, to make sure they're not poisonous! 


buttered scones

Now for the jam, plums in and simmering away, soon some sugar and then a jar of spiced plum jam for scones will be MINE! ALL MINE YA HEAR!?


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