Tutorial | The Thrifty Christmas Wreath

Tutorial | The Thrifty Christmas Wreath

I have spent a few days looking for a wreath I could buy, I have never had one before and as this is the first year in my own home & living with my partner, I decided I would like one for my door. After looking at various shop bought ones, I came across one in Marks & Spencers that I quite liked & that was in the 'affordable' range but still expensive at £15. I was flicking through my Ideal Homes magazine - that's right I am becoming 'that' person - and there was a comparison of expensive to cheap options from different shops and it hit me, I should try and make a wreath the thrifty way. So I went about finding bits & pieces to make my own & it turned out pretty well, infact I love it. I decided to take pictures along the way so you can too make it if you want to add some Christmas wreath love in your home to. So here we go. My first craft tutorial.
£15 Wreath Vs Becca's £5 Wreath
Some things you will need to make this wreath; Scissors, wire cutters, round nose pliers (you can get away with just scissors as long as they aren't your best ones!) Also a glue gun can come in very handy to secure up a few of the decorations.
Some tartan ribbon or any thick ribbon you have, be creative & choose something that will fit in with your choice of colour theme for Christmas. I am using wired ribbon here and you will need 2 Metres for the full effect, but you can get away with using enough for a bow and then using string to hang it. I found both these ribbons for around a pound. One is from The Works & the other from eBay.
Some gold wire, or florist wire..infact any wire! As long as it is no less than the 6mm wire as it won't hold your decorations in place. Some festive rope (not sure what it's actually called...) I already had the wire but you can buy from all good craft stores & florists for around a £1. The rope was from Fred Aldous and is a metre.
Get yourself some decorations that you would use on a table, I have one table decoration (£1 Poundland) and a decoration for a candle (£1 Poundland) Buy what ever you think looks nice. Here I am using one to take apart and one as the central display 
Take apart the candle surround so you can use the various pieces in the new wreath. They should all pull out quite easily, but if not do take care when pulling them out.
This is my wreath from Poundland. Take off all of the bit's of tat from the front & then turn it over so you have a clear frame. Now you have your blank canvas we will start to decorate the wreath.
After you have removed all the original features, attach the table decoration to the middle bottom of the wreath by poking the wire through the branches and wrapping the wire round until it is fixed. Try it at different angles and see what looks most asthetically pleasing before attaching.
 Part One: Wrap wire around both ends of the rope whilst leaving a length of wire to wrap around the wreath. Start on the left hand side behind the decoration you have placed and wind the wire round, then wrap the rope round the wreath. Wrap the wire round the right hand side of the wreath to attach at the end. Part two: I have also attached the apple, pine cone and some extra berries from the candle decoration that I took apart with wire and the glue gun.

How To Tie a Wreath Bow
Get your ribbon and fold in half and cut so you have two one metre strips, then tie yourself a bow & straighten it out.
Put the second strip of ribbon underneath and tie a knot and direct it upwards making sure the knot in the middle is neat.
Then cut the top of the ribbon strips so they are neat & cut the lower ribbon by cutting out triangles.
Tie the ribbon to the top of the wreath and tie a little bow in the top of the ribbon & hang from your door or where ever you want to display it.
I think it is quite effective & shouts Christmas!
Look out for more wreaths and Christmas decorations soon! I want to make a crafted felt/material wreath next. I hope these can be displayed all year round as I am very attached to them as a wall hanging! :)
I hope your Christmas planning is in full swing, mine certainly is. I have to say it is only because I am off sick with a broken arm, I don't normally have time like this available. So don't feel pressured, just do things that make you happy and when you have time to. make it fun, and part of the celebrations. I am always a fan of the build up....I get quite sad when the day arrives as it's nearly all over.
Merry Christmas & see you soon.
P.S. Please do contact me with any questions you may have, I am always here to help! :)
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