Spring Has Sprung in Le Petit Jardin

Spring Has Sprung in Le Petit Jardin

My favourite season is spring, It's full of hope, ambition and the first days of sun. People wear light and colourful clothing, start to smile, and the over zealous nature of our nation makes me mock yet admire the spirit in people when the hot bright sun comes out. For me this year I want the sun, but not for me - for my plants! It makes me happier too, but to see the effect it has on my new hobby is so fulfilling yet I have to keep a constant eye on my seedlings and small-garden-pot-crops. 

Every morning I go outside and find a dew like exterior which I quickly unzip and let breath in the breeze, I spray all my plants inside and out of the greenhouse. Then I see what is dry as a bone and do a full water with my purple long spout watering jug. I really want a proper watering can now, with the holes in. I think it's less harsh. 

Here I have planted Lettuce in the green pot, labelled with my new metal tags that I got from Wilkinsons - recommended in The Balcony Gardening book. In the pots are Beetroot seedlings, some have been discarded of so weaning them down to the strongest. I will then be planting more seeds directly into bigger pots outside.

The courgettes (zucchinis) and cucumber plants are coming along nicely, going to have to be ruthless with which ones to keep and which to send to plant heaven..

In these bright blue pots I have repotted onion, radish and lettuce seedlings. I'm not sure how well any of these are going to do but while they are looking healthy I shall keep watering them and nurturing.

My lavender plant is healthy and has got new leaves appearing, a great smell and a good plant to attract bees.

In these pots I have planted sunflower seeds and repotted carrots. I have planted 3 sunflower seeds and again have to be ruthless when they come up as I can only have one plant in this pot (So I am told...) 

I bought a white planter and repotted four plants into it - Rear; Euphorbia (Martini) right; Iberis (Sempervirensleft; White Grape Hyacinth (Muscari botryites) front; Trailing Ivy

This is my Big Blue Pot. I do not know what to put in it. Any thoughts please let me know, comment below and I will take on board any suggestions!

This is my big pot of wild flowers, I have no idea what seeds are in here but am so excited to see a flurry of colours appear over spring and summer! I can't wait to show you when they start to flower. I am hoping they attract lots of bees and butterflies, when I say a lot I don't mean anything intense just enough to pollinate my crops. 

In the wild flowers this little fella has appeared, he is totally different and I cannot wait to see what he turns into.. as long as it's not scary or a mean plant. Again, any idea what this is please let me know!

I know my garden is tiny but I am trying my best to utilise the space, I would like some Bistro furniture - I don't have much money to spend on any so am looking out for any second hand or cheap pieces I could maybe paint myself. It will be lovely to have breakfast in my little garden in the morning while the sun is new to the day. MrP and I sat out with a camping chair and a throw and cushion on Saturday and it was delightful. But it wasn't ideal. I am working on garden decorations next, look out for garden crafts here soon! 

Happy gardening! CB X 
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