Headband and Accessories Holder | Commission
I was recently asked to do a commission, I was shown an example from Pinterest and I said I could do it, only I'd be doing something better that wasn't glue gunning fabric to a kitchen roll. Now thats fine if you want to make that yourself and use it, but people are selling them like that, it's kitchen roll!
So I designed something for the first time, now I've made things from my head before (not literally) but this was a sketched out, mathematical design. It needed a little tweak during production but all in all, I was pretty impressed with the outcome. I'm going to start selling the pattern once I have created a nice tidy PDF for it and written up some instructions that aren't BeccaLingo but whilst I am doing that here is the product. Let me know what you think of it and whether it would solve your hair accessory needs! I will also make to order for anyone that might be interested. My email address can be found in the contact section above.
A thick spring tartan print for durability and staying relevant at whatever age.
Hang anywhere with the ribbon handle.
Detachable pockets for travelling with - just fold, roll and go!
Headband roll and four detachable pockets for hairbands, slides, clips and pretty bows!